Moyea SWF to Video SDK 3.6

Moyea SWF to Video SDK offers a technical solution to convert SWF online. Under the Command line environment and server environment, this SWF to Video SDK version supports to convert most of the SWF files, including online SWF to AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MPG, DVD, VCD, SVCD, MOV, MP3, FLV , DV, AAC and so on formats online. Functions of video resizing and trimming are also the advantages belonging to this SWF to Video SDK. With these functions, Moyea SWF to Video SDK enables you to automatically convert flash SWF file to video formats which is accepted by your web like YouTube for web designers.

Key Features of SWF to Video SDK

* Convert local and online SWF to video files in any formats for developers' development goals
* Convert SWF files which called through Parameter to video in any formats for developers' development goals
* Support video resizing and trimming to meet specific needs
* Support AVI with Alpha Channel conversion to retain the original transparency
* Process 32 bits RGBA file for further edit in Adobe Premiere
* Adopt Lower-Playback-Speed technology to achieve accurate audio and video synchronization and no frame loss
* Adopt audio-extracting technology, instead of recording; to 100% keep the original sound effect
* Support multiple SWF files automatic conversion

How To Fix A Dead Flash Drive

Before explaining the tutorial; there are 2 important questions:

  1. Do you want to abandon your data? (but lose your flash drive)
  2. Do you want to format your flash drive and still use your flash drive, but lose your data?
When your flash drive is connected to the PC and suddenly your PC crashes or freeze, and whn you restart it turns out your flash drive mailfunctioned, the Windows OS automatically detect it as 0 MB capacity and shows a message to format it. But actually you can't, because the flash drive won't work.

If this is the case, don't worry because flash disk failure could still be repaired although your data is unretreivable.

Here is how to fix your flash drive:

1. The software you need is HP Drive Boot Utility (its made by HP but you could use it on other brands, even digital camera storage).
2. After download, run it and choose the drive you want to repair.
3. Choose the format type (FAT, FAT32 or NTFS)
4. Choose Quick Format
5. Then click start.

Here is where you can download the software/program

Is Your Facebook Account Hacked?

What is your reaction if you facebook account get hacked by someone? Are you stressed? Report to the local cops? Cry?

Don't be worried if your someone hacked your facebook account. What you must do is you should report it straight to the facebook admins. How do we do it? Just click the link below.

Fill out the forms and in a couple of days you get an email from facebook. Don't forget to read the email and follow the instructions.